Litigation finance brings to investors an unique opportunity to invest in non-correlated asset class with attractive returns. At LitFin, we welcome every qualified investor to join us on our journey.
Investing in Litigation Finance Characteristics:
- New Alternative Asset Class
- Uncorrelated to Capital Markets
- Returns Outperform Traditional Assets
- Investment with added value (access to justice)
- For Qualified Investors only
Conservative strategy
With conservative approach, the investment is being diversified into a portfolio of cases. This lowers investor’s exposure to the risk and enables them to calculate return expectancy more precisely in the investor’s overall portfolio.
Dynamic strategy
Dynamic approach is widely used by investors with an appetite to achieve outstanding returns (typically dozens of percent p.a.). By choosing the right claim to invest in, one also creates added value by enabling access to justice to others.
Find out more about how you can invest with us. Contact us.